Best Selling Christian Self Help Books

Hi and welcome. If you are searching for great Christian self help books, you are in the right place.

This site was put together by the author of a book called Doing Time With God, which includes reflection questions that can be helpful on your self help journey in Christ. 

If you would like to immediately go to the list, simple scroll down the page to see the listing and a brief description of each book. To make is as convenient as possible, each book title links to Amazon, where you can  learn more about any of the books.

We hope you can find a good book or two from this list of 
best selling Christian self help books.

Robbed and Shot at ATM. Craving Revenge. Bill Dyer Was Locked Up In Anger, Hatred, And Resentment. Then A Miracle Happened. God Led Bill Out Of Darkness And Into Prison To Share His Story With Inmates For The Unfinished Business Of Growing In Christ.


Doing Time With God - by Bill Dyer

In your search for the best selling Christian self help books, this page-turner reveals how the love of Christ is having its way for God's purposes. Readers are drawn into transformative conversations between crime victims and prison inmates. Thought provoking questions give readers the opportunity to reflect and find meaning for their own lives and relationships. For those who enjoy discussions about growing in Christ and reaching your God-given potential, this life-giving book is a perfect choice for book clubs and small groups. 

There are various things Christians can do to ensure that they grow not only spiritually but physically and mentally. Many are times when they are faced with different challenging situations where they find themselves willing to deny their Christian norms to be confronted by the patterns of the world. During these times, most Christians reach out for the Bible. 

The Bible is the most important book for Christians and the best women's Christian inspirational books of the Bible embody God's word, teachings, and commandments. Reading the Bible helps Christians know more about their God. and God’s world. Once they become consistent readers, they get enlightened about whom they are serving.

However, to ensure that they remain firm in their faith, they need to read more helpful materials that recognized authors have published. The insights of others will fill in what they lack due to ignorance, sin, or immaturity, or they cannot see. Christians should not only rely on the Bible as the only source of information. It is not the only religious book to spend hours pouring over. There are various books ranging from iconic novels to poetry about God to religion featuring beautiful verses and Christian self help books. For people who are new to the faith, it is also important to check out the
best books for new Christians to read

The main reason why Christians need to read the best Christian true story books is they need to know how to live and relate with other people living in this beautiful, fractured world. Book that are based on true stories are great usually great guides because readers can see themselves in the stories to some degree and learn life-giving lessons that are being shared.

 A novelist by the name Joyce Carol Oats said, “Reading is the sole means by which we involuntarily, find ourselves into someone else skin, soul, or voice." Many times Christians think that they know everything, but the reality is they do not know what they don't know. For these reasons, one needs to go through several writings and publications keenly.

Even though it might look like a tiresome activity that requires time and patience, it is advisable that you read widely. From the best selling Christian self help books that strengthen your belief to texts that help convey virtues Christians need to follow or help empower those who feel as though they might be going through difficult times. Even though authored by men, 

Christian self help books can have impactful lessons, some of which help to inspire many into remaining faithful even through trying times. Life is difficult, and with it comes various challenges. Christians might at times find it easier to find teachings on what would be the best course of action in such situations from books as they offer excellent guidance. 

When one feels as though they want to give up, the best Christian motivational books can remind people that they are never alone and that no matter what, they can always find help. It might be difficult to confide in other people, but reading self-help books can enable someone to push on against adversities.

The list of books that will be discussed below will enlighten, teach and inspire Christians through testimonies, lessons, and tips.

Check Out More

Best Selling Christian Self Help Books

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen Covey
This book focuses on helping Christians who are struggling to be effective in all areas of their lives. Stephen Covey highlights powerful lessons on how to navigate problems in challenging personal effectiveness. He insists on the principles of equality, integrity, trustworthiness, and human dignity. Pick this up if you enjoy reading the best Christian spiritual growth books. 

by Randy Alcorn
Christians often go through many hardships, but as the book explains, God wants people to be happy. The book explains that even though God wants Christians to be righteous and follow certain rules and commandments, He also wants them to live happy lives, as the book explains.    
What's Best Next: How The Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done
by Matt Perman.
This may be considered one of the best Christian inspirational books. The book tries to teach on the need to be productive for Christians.
There are various ways in which Christians can be productive and be of service to others. This is by doing the things that matter and make a difference in the world.

4. Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will by Kevin DeYoung
This book helps Christians to answer some of the complex questions they have. Such questions include who to marry or whether to take a particular job or not. The book tries to explain to its readers how to discover the will of God, making it one of the best books for new Christians to read. 
Battlefield of the Mind: Winning The Battle In Your Mind 
by Joyce Meyer
We all experience worry, doubt, condemnation, confusion, anger, depression, and feelings of defeat. All these feelings begin in the mind. Through this book, Joyce Meyer has written many of the best women's Christian inspirational books and in this one, explains how to keep our minds clear and focused on God.

How to Win Friends & Influence People 
by Dale Carnegie
With over 15 million copies sold worldwide, this book has lived up to its title. It helps people to connect, communicate and improve their social skills. The tips mentioned in the book are practical and can be easily applied.  

Here Are A Few More Of The Best

Best Selling Christian Self Help Books

7. An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus' Rhythms of Work and Rest 
by Alan Fading
Alan Fading compares the “unhurried life” to the life of Jesus. Jesus never gave in to the pressures of the fast-paced life. Jesus hustled. He completed his mission in a few years without any hurry. The author further explains that Christians should not make hurried decisions. They should stay under control and motivated to remain close to God. If you are looking for one of the best Christian motivational books
for living more like Jesus, this book is for you.

Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good by Amy Sherman
In this book, Amy Sherman tries to explain that Christians can glorify God in their everyday work as long as it is not sinful. It teaches people from all professions to work towards righteousness. In return, you will be a blessing to everyone around you.

9. Not by Sight: A Fresh Look at Old Stories of Walking
by Faith by Jon Bloom
This is considered one of the best Christian spiritual growth books . It helps to put to light some of the concepts and truths Christians learn. It is very interesting to read, especially for someone who might have questions on specific topics or aspects of their life.

An Identity To Die For: Know Who You Are
by Paul Mallard
 Paul Mallard demonstrates the Bible teachings about our identity especially, as Christians. He describes our relationship with God, our family members, the church, and the workplace. We were all created differently with unique values. You will like this book if you enjoy reading best selling Christian self help books.

Why Doing Time With God Is A Good Choice As Your Search For

Best Christian Motivational Books

If you've searched for the best selling Christian self help books, you have come to the right place. Doing Time With God belongs with other great books because it is a one-of-a-kind title that shines God's light into the darkness of high security prisons. You'll see crime victims and prisoners trusting God in ways they never have before and finding healing and forgiveness, together.

Today's marketplace for books is flooded with many great titles, which is why many people have different views about which books are actually the best Christian motivational books. Doing Time With God is worthy of being considered in the category because it gives readers a rare glimpse into how God is working in maximum security prisons to forever change the lives of crime victims and offenders.

Not only does Doing Time With God show how God's love is healing, guiding, and comforting people to transform their lives, it is written so that readers can see themselves in the page-turning stories and apply reflection questions to their own lives and grow in Christ.

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Christian True Story Books Because It Takes You On A Journey And Shows How God Is Using Women To Transform The Lives Of Men In Prison

One Of The Best Christian Books For Spiritual Growth, Doing Time With God  Is Easy To Read & Powerful In How God's Presence Shines Through The Stories

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Selling Christian Self Help Books Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

"This book belongs in the Wow category"
Wanda Bemel

"As I read this book I felt the Holy Spirit in it and in me. I cried, I laughed, and I let God change me. The book is honest, upfront, REAL, and filled with God’s love."
Katie W.

Family Member of Murder Victim

"I was struck by the action “pause for God”…which I am quite sure I do not do enough, and which can result in growth, healing, and transformation for those who do. I was profoundly touched by the personal results and the promise for the future.”
Hayden B.

Friend of Murder Victim

""Doing Time with God is packed full of courage, wisdom, and inspiration. I recommend this book to anyone who has lived the valleys and peaks of life; folks who are struggling with forgiveness, for those who are dealing with anger or loss. This book will give insight into what true unconditional love is like."
Scott H.

"…The presence of a loving, nurturing, and persistent God weaves its way through each page-turning account of how lives are changed by Faith. I highly recommend this book."
Joseph Pryor

Assistant Warden; Chief Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons (retired)