Best Books For New Christians To Read

Welcome to our site. We hope you are able to find what you are looking for if you are a new Christian or are here to find a good book for a friend or loved one. The books on this page have been compiled into a list to help new Christians grow in Christ.

The author of Doing Time With God, one of the best Christian true story books, has made this site available because he knows the importance of good books to assist people in being able to follow in the ways of Jesus more closely.

The listing of books starts further down the page and includes a variety of titles and brief description on each book. In the event that you would like additional information on a particular title, each book links to its Amazon page. This may help you determine if you would like to order the book or continue browsing.

Hopefully, this list of best books for new Christians to read will help you in your search!

Robbed and Shot at ATM. Craving Revenge. Bill Dyer Was Locked Up In Anger, Hatred, And Resentment. Then A Miracle Happened. God Led Bill Out Of Darkness And Into Prison To Share His Story With Inmates For Unfinished Holy Spirit Business.


Doing Time With God - by Bill Dyer

In your search for the best books for new Christians to read, this page-turner reveals how the love of Christ is having its way for God's purposes. Readers are drawn into transformative conversations between crime victims and prison inmates. Thought provoking questions give readers the opportunity to reflect and find meaning for their own lives and relationships. For those who enjoy discussions about growing in Christ and deepening their faith, this life-giving book is a perfect choice for book clubs and small groups. 

One thing that many new Christian do after they received salvation, is that they head to the Book of Revelation first. The new believer wants to know where they are headed and often they get off track through the different interpretations of the last book in the Bible.

A better approach is for new Christians to study the Word so that they can have their faith grounded in a solid foundation. In their rush to know where they are going, they miss out on 2 Peter 1:10 which gives them solid Christian advice.

That verse talks about making their calling and election sure and if they practice the instructions found in the previous 5 verses, they will never fail. Those words provide confidence to any new believer as they have the right road map for their new Christian lives. In that way, the book of 2 Peter is one of the best selling Christian self help books in the Bible.

After grasping the meaning of that passage, many new Christians make their way to the Book of Proverbs, one of the best Christian spiritual growth books in the Bible,
and do a word study on the terms wisdom and understanding. These are key elements of the Christian faith and help the new believer gain understanding.

To help you accomplish those goals and tasks, it is wise to get counsel from mature believers who have written a book/s about what they have learned. A few of these books are also the best women's Christian inspirational books and they help answer many questions.

Unfortunately, new Believers have to grow up and learn their lessons just like a human child does. There is a lot to learn on the way to being a mature believer and one of those lessons is learning how to pick the right books to read.

When they do that, they can grow in faith and know how to handle the issues that come their way in the world. The following is a list of10 of the
best books for new Christians to read and should help get you or a loved one the best spiritual food to grow at this stage. 

Here Are More Excellent

Best Books For New Christians To Read

1. The Bible
Not just any translation, as many of the modern ones do not capture the essence of God’s meaning. The best versions to read would be the early versions of the NIV, NASB, then the NKJV and the KJV.

New Christian's Handbook: Everything Believers Need to Know by Max Anders 
Written by an experienced pastor who uses the Bible to help all believers learn the essentials of the Christian faith. Knowing what you believe is very important as the secular world will trick new believers up with distorted and abuse of scripture.
3. Growing In Christ: A Thirteen-Week Follow-Up Course for New and Growing Christians

by the Navigators
This organization has been around for a very long time and has been one of the best selling Christian self help books for that reason. It trains new believers from their inception. This is a good book to use as there are tear-out cards with bible verses on them from 3 of the 4 versions in #1.

4. Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again
by Lysa Terkeurst
This is a book for new female believers as it helps them overcome traumatic experiences. It is supposed to help them forgive their offenders and make it past those events that harm their spiritual growth. For those who are wanting to experience freedom from past hurts, this is on of the best Christian motivational books for that purpose.
5. Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
by N.T. Wright
This volume helps the new believer put everything into perspective, which is why it is considered one of the best books for new Christians to read. It deals with important practical issues and provides very good answers to those issues and questions. Plus, it helps the new believer understand why they were seeking spirituality in the first place.

6. What Every Christian Ought to Know: Solid Grounding for a Growing Faith
by Adrian & Steve Rogers
The chapters are well organized and lead the reader through important spiritual topics like finding God’s will, the filling of the spirit, and more vital topics. Written by former and active bible teachers, this is one of the best Christian spiritual growth books  that new believers should read for some great information.

Here Are A Few More Of The

Best Books For New Christians To Read

7. Survival Kit - Revised: Five Keys to Spiritual Growth
by Ralph W. Neighbor Jr & Bill Latham
New believers will find that they are constantly engaged in conflict. The struggle between their old way of thinking and the new way Christ wants them to think. This book details how to win those struggles and overcome the temptation to return to the old ways of their lives.

8. Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed

by Jonathon Pokluda & Kevin McConaghy
Probably more for those single new believers who still want to find the right Christian mate. This book should provide the right instruction in doing dating, romance, and even marriage God’s way. The content should help married believers love their unbelieving spouse correctly as well.

9. Systematic Theology, Second Edition: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine 

by Wayne Grudem
Knowing what you believe and learning more always help you grow strong. One of the best books for new Christians to read this one helps you fulfill the charge made by Peter in the passage mentioned above and provide solid spiritual food for a new believer to grow on.

The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible 
by Michael S. Heiser
Every new believer will have new questions as they read the Bible. This book helps answer many of those that do not come up i regular theologically based books on the Christian faith. It provides an inside look to God’s realm to help the believer understand what they are reading in the Bible.  

Here's Why Doing Time With God Is One Of The...

Best Books For New Christians To Read

If you've searched for the best Christian true story books , rest assured you have landed in the right place. Doing Time With God is a book that is based on true stories of crime victims and prison inmates meeting in maximum security prisons to lay everything on the line and and trust God to do what they cannot accomplish alone - healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Today's marketplace for books and other reading materials is flooded with titles and many readers differ with regard to which ones are the best Christian motivational books.
Doing Time With God is worthy of being considered in this category because it shows what the miracles that are possible when we have the courage as human beings to be open and vulnerable to the love of God and one another. 

Once readers see how simple (not easy) it is to experience God's presence in totally life-changing ways, they are motivated to follow the examples of people in the stories to find new life in Christ.

Not only does Doing Time With God show God's love and grace transforming lives in the last place many people would expect, it helps readers apply the insights and wisdom to their own lives through reflection questions to grow in Christlikeness.

Doing Time With God Belongs With The Best Christian Spiritual Growth Books Because It Takes Readers On A Journey Of Transformation With Reflection Questions To Apply To Their Own Lives

One Of The Best Women's Christian Inspirational Books, Doing Time With God  Is Easy To Read & Powerful In How God's Presence Shines Through The Stories

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Books For New Christians To Read Because It Opens The Heart, Touches The Soul, And Renews The Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

"This challenges us to remember God's awesome power in finding the lost, healing the sick, and turning people's lives around. Read this compelling book and be inspired by what is being done to transform lives and restore people to productive places in society."
Lynn Huntley

Former Attorney, US Department of Justice

"When I pick up a book, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, I’m looking to be transported into a different world. Dyer’s Doing Time With God fits the bill, moving the reader into the real life world of those behind bars. Never preachy, always insightful and moving, this is a book of intrigue and reflection. It is well worth a readers time to dive in and listen and learn."
D. Harrison


"I cried, I laughed, and I let God change more in me. When my dad was murdered 5 years ago, I felt a lot of emotions. Emotions I still deal with but seeing it from an inmate's perspective and understanding their wrongs and seeing them reach a common goal with us through God's love is the most amazing emotion I could ever experience.  "
Katie W.

Murder Victim Family Member

""Doing Time with God is packed full of courage, wisdom, and inspiration. I recommend this book to anyone who has lived the valleys and peaks of life; folks who are struggling with forgiveness, for those who are dealing with anger or loss. This book will give insight into what true unconditional love is like."
Scott H.

"…The presence of a loving, nurturing, and persistent God weaves its way through each page-turning account of how lives are changed by Faith. I highly recommend this book."
Joseph Pryor

Assistant Warden; Chief Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons (retired)